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1-How to print Hello World in C#.?
2-How to print a triangle in c#.?
3-How to printing a reverse triangle in c#
4-How to print diamond shape in c#.?
5-How to print left triangle in c#.?
6-How to print right triangle in c#.?
7-How to print right reverse triangle in c#
8-Palindrome program in c#
9-How to find whether a string is Palindrome or not in c#.?
10-How to check whether the entered number is an Armstrong number or not.
11-How do I find Largest and smallest number in an array in c#.?
12-How to print number in triangle in c#
13-How to print the fibonacci series provided a given limit by the user in c#?
14-Prime or not prime number in c#.?
15-How to find the factorial of a number in c#.?
16-How to print the table of a number entered by user in c#
17-How to check a year is leap year or not using switch case in c#.?
18-How to check a number is even or odd using switch case in c#.?
19-How to Find 1 to n Prime Numbers in
20-How do I find enter the marks of a student in five subjects and then find his grand total ,average and his grade in c#.?
21-How do I find that the alphabet is a vowel or consonant in c#.?
22-How do I find greatest number out of 7 numbers in c#.?
23-How do I check that the number is divisible by 5 or not using c#.?
24-How to convert temperature entered by user from celcius degree to fahrenheit degree and viceversa in c#.?
25-How do I calculating simple principle of an amount by using its rate of interest and no of years in c#.?
26-Two numbers swapping program without using third variable in c#.
27-Two numbers swapping program using 3 variables in c#.
28-Two Number subtraction,addition,multiplication and division Program in c#.

29-How do I accept a price from user,if the price money is less than equal to Rs.5000 then no discount is available ,if price is greater than Rs.5000 and less than equal to Rs.10000 then discount is 5%, if price is greater than Rs.10000 and less than equal to Rs.15000 then discount is 10% and if price is greater than Rs.15000 and less than equal to Rs.20000 then discount is 15% and for more than Rs.20000 shopping ,discount is 20%,now find the discounted money and amount payable by user in c #.?

30-How to get diagonal sum in C#.?

31-How to print V shape stars.?

32-Write a switch case statement program in c#.? 

33-How to get 2 Arrays as Input and append in 3rd array in c#

34-How to Display the ATM Transaction in c#.?




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